Turpin Scholarship Time-2025

It is time for seniors at Turpin High School to apply for one of Meagan’s Scholarships. Please be sure to read the criteria to determine which scholarship you may be eligible for. You may submit applications through your counselor or send directly to the Meagan Toothman Foundation. All applications are due by March 28, 2025.

Meagan Toothman’s Hope Scholarship

       Meagan Toothman was a 2005 graduate of Turpin High School.  She was committed to helping all students learn and sought any means possible and necessary to ensure that all students were successful.  Since Meagan is no longer here to continue the journey that she began, this scholarship will allow her work to continue by helping students accomplish the hopes and dreams they have set for their futures. 

         There will be two $1,000.00 scholarships awarded to Turpin students meeting the following criteria:

                   *A student who is CURRENTLY being served on an IEP or 504 Plan.

                  *A student who will continue their education through a post-secondary program.


         Students meeting the above criteria should complete the accompanying application and return on or before March 28, 2025.

 Meagan Toothman’s Hope Scholarship Application

 Name:_______________________        GPA:_________________

 Where do you plan to attend to continue your education after high school? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

 Intended course of study/career path after high school:

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

 What is your greatest hope and dream for your future?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Meagan Toothman’s Spirit Scholarship

Meagan Toothman was a 2005 graduate of Turpin High School.  While at Turpin, Meagan was involved in a variety of sports, clubs, and activities.  She served as a positive role model both on and off the field.  Meagan could often be found volunteering or giving back to the Turpin community and Forest Hills District in many ways.  This path continued as she journeyed on to Wittenberg for four years.  The motto at Wittenberg University is “Having light we pass it on to others.”  This is something that Meagan strived to do each day.  This $1,500.00 scholarship will be awarded to two Turpin students who embody this same spirit of excellence and sense of care and compassion for the community.  The recipient(s) of this scholarship should meet the following criteria:

         *Actively involved in the school and community

         *Academic excellence

         *A positive role model

         *A valuable asset to the school and community

         *Have a positive and clean record while at Turpin

         *Passionate about giving back to others

         Students meeting the above criteria should complete the accompanying application and essay. Submission deadline is March 28, 2025.

 Meagan Toothman’s Spirit Scholarship Application

Applicant: ____________________________________________

Unweighted GPA: ________________

Sports/clubs/activities involvement:


Volunteer Experiences:


Intended university/college:


Intended course of studies:


Intended career path:


Essay: Who has been an important role model in your life? What have you learned about being a role model from that person?   (Please provide a typed response.)

Wittenberg Homecoming 2024

Yesterday was a perfect fall day on the Wittenberg University campus, which Meagan loved so much. As Tim and I walked around, we realized that it had been 20 years since we first arrived for a college visit with Meagan. For her, it was love at first sight and she didn’t want to go anywhere else. Everything was as beautiful as ever! We would like to send a big thank you to Meagan’s Delta Gamma sisters at Witt for reaching out to us and for caring for the beautifully etched mirror in memory of Meagan. We had no idea this had been displayed in the previous DG house since her passing. Thank you for taking time to show us around the new DG house. We appreciate you! Thank you to the Wittenberg University Psychology Department for helping us keep Meagan’s legacy and story alive in a place that she loved so much. We were honored to meet with and hear the stories of this years recipients of the Meagan Toothman Psychology Scholarship, Aisha Khan and Gabriella Lillico. These young people are truly passing on their light. #Havinglightwepassitontoothers #DoGood

Thank you to everyone who made this special moment possible.

With much gratitude-Melissa, Tim and Forever Meagan

Congratulations Turpin Class of 2024 Scholarship Recipients

We would like to congratulate the Meagan Toothman Foundation 2024 Turpin Scholarship recipients.

Hope Scholarship Recipients: Griffin Karceski-Bowling Green State University Connor Tilford-Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Ela Tuzun-FHSD Transition Program then College choice undecided

Spirit Scholarship Recipients: Matthew Carpenter-University of Dayton Victor Denen-John Carroll University Abigail Dittman-University of Tennessee Sophia Schiano-The Ohio State University Bella Sutphin-Ohio University

2023 Wittenberg University Homecoming

Thank you to the Wittenberg University Psychology Department for helping us keep Meagan’s legacy and story alive in a place that she loved so much. We were honored to meet with and hear the stories of so many of the recipients of the Meagan Toothman Psychology Scholarship. These young people are truly passing on their light. #Havinglightwepassitontoothers

Thank you to everyone who made this special moment possible.

With much gratitude-Melissa, Tim and Forever Meagan

Meagan's Legacy and Impact

This month marks 10 years since The Meagan Toothman Foundation officially became a 501(c)(3) organization. We want to take a moment and thank all of Meagan’s supporters and donors over the years, including the initial donations that were received for scholarships specifically at Turpin High School.

We want to take a moment to thank our board members who have worked with us over last 10+ years to ensure that Meagan’s work of helping children reach their dreams continues. For our board members and for us, this is truly a labor of love. We are a small group doing mighty work in honor of Meagan and her memory. As of today, there have been 114 scholarships awarded in Meagan’s name to deserving students.

  • Turpin High School-78 scholarships

  • Heart of a Champion Award at Turpin High School-4 awards

  • Wittenberg University- 19 scholarships

  • University of Cincinnati-13 scholarships

In addition to these scholarships at the three places that helped to shape Meagan into the person and professional she had become, The Meagan Toothman Foundation, has provided support and donations to Turpin After Prom for 10 years; FHFE 5K for 9 years; Anderson Park District’s Run to Remember; Lighthouse Youth Services; Western Hills Gymnastics Program; and various programs at Mercer Elementary.

All of these donations have been given to causes that were important to Meagan. They would not be possible without our board members, supporters of Meagan’s Golf Tournament, Turpin Cheer Clinic participants, and all of you who have given your support and donations to Meagan’s Foundation. We want to again say thank you for helping us to continue the work that our sweet Meagan is no longer here to do. We know she would be incredibly proud of the work and would be humbled by her legacy and impact on the successes of students and programs.

With much gratitude,

Melissa Oakley (Meagan’s mom)

Kroger Community Rewards Program

Meagan's Foundation is a new member of the Kroger Community Rewards Program!  You can now support Meagan's Foundation every time you shop at Kroger.  Enrollment takes only a few minutes using the following link and directions from the Kroger Community Rewards Program:


  • Register online at krogercommunityrewards.com

  • Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up.

  • If you do not yet have a Kroger Plus card,  they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.

  • Click on Sign In/Register

  • If you are a new online customers,  click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box.

  • Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions

  • You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.

  • Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.

  • Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.

  • Update or confirm your information.

  • Enter88638 (NPO number) or Meagan Toothman Foundation, select organization from list and click on confirm.

  • To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.

  • REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s).

  • Do you use your phone number at the register?  Call 800-576-4377, select option 3 to get your Kroger Plus card number.

  • Each time you shop swipe your registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to your registered Kroger Plus card for each purchase to count.

Thank you for your consideration and for supporting Meagan's Foundation each time you shop at Kroger.


Meagan's 9th Golf Tournament-2021

Thank you to all of our golfers and donors for Meagan’s Golf Tournament. We had a wonderful day with family and friends and raised $13,707 to fund scholarships for the upcoming year and continue Meagan’s legacy! We look forward to seeing you all next year, June 24, 2022 at Ivy Hills Country Club.