This month marks 10 years since The Meagan Toothman Foundation officially became a 501(c)(3) organization. We want to take a moment and thank all of Meagan’s supporters and donors over the years, including the initial donations that were received for scholarships specifically at Turpin High School.
We want to take a moment to thank our board members who have worked with us over last 10+ years to ensure that Meagan’s work of helping children reach their dreams continues. For our board members and for us, this is truly a labor of love. We are a small group doing mighty work in honor of Meagan and her memory. As of today, there have been 114 scholarships awarded in Meagan’s name to deserving students.
Turpin High School-78 scholarships
Heart of a Champion Award at Turpin High School-4 awards
Wittenberg University- 19 scholarships
University of Cincinnati-13 scholarships
In addition to these scholarships at the three places that helped to shape Meagan into the person and professional she had become, The Meagan Toothman Foundation, has provided support and donations to Turpin After Prom for 10 years; FHFE 5K for 9 years; Anderson Park District’s Run to Remember; Lighthouse Youth Services; Western Hills Gymnastics Program; and various programs at Mercer Elementary.
All of these donations have been given to causes that were important to Meagan. They would not be possible without our board members, supporters of Meagan’s Golf Tournament, Turpin Cheer Clinic participants, and all of you who have given your support and donations to Meagan’s Foundation. We want to again say thank you for helping us to continue the work that our sweet Meagan is no longer here to do. We know she would be incredibly proud of the work and would be humbled by her legacy and impact on the successes of students and programs.
With much gratitude,
Melissa Oakley (Meagan’s mom)